EFT for Positive Change

I hurt my knee playing high school softball and all the doctors said they couldn't tell what was wrong without surgery. My knee was hurting and swelling so much that I had to use crutches some of the time. I did some tapping with Nancy, and we found that there were feelings and beliefs connected with my knee problem. By the end of the second session, all pain and swelling were gone, and I was actually hopping up and down on my "bad" leg. That was 7 years ago, and my knee has been fine ever since.
Lizzie M.

I was amazed that I was able to have instant relief of my shoulder pain that has been bothering me for the past year or so. Thank you, thank you, thank you for introducing me to EFT.
Arlene W.

What if change is possible?
Nancy Privett - Energy based therapies

Pain, Disease and Physical Challenges

Finding the Emotional Anchor

For an example of collapsing the energy field of a physical challenge read "A Painful Loss: Clearing the Emotional Anchor of a Physical Problem with EFT," on the Articles page.

For information on using your physical body as a touchstone to lead you to your soul's longing and ultimate healing, read "Reading the Body, Finding the Soul," on the Articles page.

The leading method for alleviating the negative energy field of pain, disease, and physical challenges is Emotional Freedom Techniques, or EFT.

There is increasing evidence that discordant thought fields, which disrupt your energy system, are involved with physical challenges. This is also called the mind-body connection. EFT can be used to balance the energy system and alleviate disturbing emotions. Subsequently, many times the physical body also comes into balance.

Sometimes focusing EFT on your physical symptoms alone will alleviate the symptoms. However, many times you need to dig a little deeper and become consciously aware of the emotional anchor for your physical challenge. I know of no better tool than EFT to gently get beneath the surface of the physical challenge to find the emotional anchor beneath. Once the emotional anchor is collapsed, the energy field of the physical challenge also has an opportunity to collapse. For an example of this, read "A Painful Loss: Clearing the Emotional Anchor of a Physical Problem with EFT," on the Articles page.

Reading the Body, Finding the Soul

Your body is a map of all that you have experienced. Your anatomy holds your history and carries the codes for the movement of your psyche and your soul. The way you physiologically and emotionally respond to events in your life is resonant of a life pattern that is programmed into your very cells.

When I help you work with your physical challenges, not only do we unhook the emotional anchor that holds the physical challenge in place, we use your physical body as a touchstone to lead you to internal feelings and images that speak to your soul's longing and ultimate healing. We can do this because your physical anatomy has a powerful wisdom that can be delved to uncover deep insights and sacred meanings -- about your healing, about your destiny, about your life.

For more information on this concept, read "Reading the Body, Finding the Soul," on the Articles page.