What if change is possible?
Nancy Privett - Energy based therapies

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INVISIBLE FORCES - Workshop Series

Eleven classes designed to help you understand yourself-as-energy and life-as-energy

Have you ever had a sense that there is more going on than what you can interpret with your five senses? Have you ever had a persistent under-the-surface feeling that there was something really important that you once knew but had forgotten? Have you ever felt that very close by there was something truly magnificent that you were supposed to be a part of?

What if there is more to you than meets the eye? What if there is an invisible vibrational energy-based part of you that gives you qualities and abilities you never dreamed of? What if this invisible vibrational energy-based part of you—which no one ever talks about—gives you the power to become exactly the person you want to be, no matter where you are starting from?

Want to know more? Welcome to the Invisible Forces Workshop Series. Invisible Forces is an eleven-part series which explores these questions in depth and helps you experience the universe-as-energy and yourself-as-energy. It helps you understand yourself as a mix of non-physical energy with the familiar physical you. You are not taught about the non-physical part of yourself, which is just as real as the physical, and actually imbued with some extraordinary capabilities.

The time is ripe for all of us to understand who we really are. The Invisible Forces series introduces you to yourself as a vibrational being in human form with power and force and abilities that you may not know you have.

The Invisible Forces Workshop Series classes can be purchased as books, e-books, or audio downloads.

Invisible Forces Workshop Series Class One

"The Internet in Your Body: Understanding Your Human Energy Field Network"

Class One presents the Light Show in your body, better known as your human energy field. You explore the internet-like capabilities of your energy field and become familiar with your field's information and communication networking abilities, and how you are already using these abilities, probably without knowing it. Class One introduces you to your energy field's basic mechanics, including the community of your chakra system. You find out what causes static in your field and how you can tell when static is present. And you are introduced to two wildly radical ideas—the transformational and influencing abilities of your energy field, and how your life changes for the better when you learn to master these abilities.

Click here for a free audio MP3 download of Excerpts from Class One, "The Internet in Your Body: Understanding Your Human Energy Field Network."

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The full-length version of The Internet in Your Body: Understanding Your Human Energy Field Network is over two hours of information on your human energy field and how it works, and is available for purchase below.

Price for full-length MP3 download: $19.95


Invisible Forces Workshop Series Class Two

"Energy Dynamics: The Invisible Force of Your Human Energy Field"

Class Two presents the User's Guide for your energy field. You will learn about your field's vibrational organization and why it is so important, and discover how to tune your field in order to feel better. You will investigate parallel universes, explore how you receive and decode energetic information, understand how you direct and send energetic emails, and find out the consequences of sending negative energy. Class Two also looks at why some people are so attractive to you, how to protect yourself from aggressive energy, and what happens when another energy field interpenetrates yours.

If you would like to find out what you will learn in Class Two (Energy Dynamics: The Invisible Force of Your Human Energy Field), please listen here.

Sample Audio

The full-length version of Energy Dynamics: The Invisible Force of Your Human Energy Field is over two hours of information on your human energy field and how it works, and is available for purchase below.

Price for full-length MP3 download: $19.95



Amazon Products

To order Nancy's 2001 book, Stepping into the Aquarian Age: A Guidebook for the Coming Evolutionary Cycle, go to www.amazon.com.