What if change is possible?
Nancy Privett - Energy based therapies


See Nancy's videos on InfiniteQuest.com
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In 2010, I was asked to be a contributor on the InfiniteQuest website. John Edward, the well-known psychic medium, started the Infinite Quest website with astrologer Alan Oken, as an educational forum for metaphysical topics, such as the Afterlife, Astrology, Energy (that's my area!), Numerology, Psychic Awareness, Tarot, and Health & Belief. As John says, his goal is to bring balance and empowerment to your life.

Right now on InfiniteQuest.com, you can see the videos listed above, or read one of my articles: "The Magic Energy Field of the Heart," "The Energy of Gratitude," or "Harry Potter and the Age of Aquarius." If you go on the site as a visitor, you can see the beginnings of all of these. If you would like to sign up as a member, you have access to the entire videos and articles, as well as all the hundreds of videos and articles of all the contributors. You will also have access to readings and webinars, and other live events.

As a special offer, I am able to offer a promo code which will give you 25% off any membership you choose. Just type NancyP in the Promo Code box on the website. This offer is good until Dec 31st, 2011.

The Planets in Your Chakras

This is a seven-part series which links each chakra in your energy field with an astrological planet. A new article will be added each month.


An EFT Primer

Interested in using EFT but don't know where to begin? This document provides clear, step by step instructions and will get you up and running in minutes.

A Painful Loss: Clearing the Emotional Anchor of a Physical Problem with EFT

Here is an example of how emotions can anchor a physical challenge.  EFT cleared the emotional anchor, and within 24 hours, the physical problem disappeared as well.

An Old Trigger: Fear from an Old Infidelity Trauma Leaks into a Present-Day Situation

When some aspect of a trauma is not completely cleared, very strong reactions from the trauma may pop up in response to a present-day situation.  Here is how EFT discovered, and then cleared, an old trigger.

Clearing Trauma in Children: Using Surrogate EFT to Clear the Trauma of a Dog Bite

This is an example of how to use EFT with a very young child via surrogate tapping.  The trauma of getting bitten by a dog cleared for a 19-month-old who was having severe nightmares using EFT.

A Powerful EFT Phrase for Dealing with Economic Stress

This article shows how to use the phrase “I prefer peace” during a tapping session to help alleviate economic stress.

The Energy Body

Energy Field Healing: Science, Spirit and Soul

What is your human energy field, and why should you be interested in it?  This article is an introduction to the human energy field and its implications.

Energy Medicine: The Good Vibration

The modern science view of the universe as energy is leading us to revolutionary ideas about the way we function as human beings and how it is possible to create our own health.  This article is a basic primer on viewing ourselves as energy. 

Energy Literacy: How We Direct Energy

Understanding how we constantly direct energy helps us become more conscious of how we can deliberately focus energy to nurture the things in our life that we want to grow.

River of Light: The Movement of Energy from the Crown Chakra to the Root

One of the most exquisite energy pathways in the body is the journey of Light at the crown center flowing like a river down through the body, distributing its gifts as it passes through each chakra center.


The Heart of the Matter

The energy of the heart has the ability to allow us to bring together the worlds of matter and spirit, and allows us to function from a spiritual base, fueled by an internal power source, while living in and enjoying the material world. 


The New Evolutionary Cycle

The Sacred Blueprint

The initiations of the new evolutionary cycle are already causing chaos.  How can we negotiate this potentially explosive time of the interface between two cycles with very different energy? 


Sacred Body Medicine

The Sacred Text of the Body

The physical body can be a reference point for conscious living; noticing where the body is healthy and where it is not tells us how we are aligned or misaligned with the energy of emerging consciousness. 

Reading the Body, Finding the Soul

This article explores the idea of a body symbology that allows us to read the body in order to find our perfect path of consciousness


Sitting in the Swamp

Sitting in the swamp pulls us more deeply into our resistance to allowing life to flow through us. 


Gathering the Gifts

Can we develop the ability to accept our lives as being continually beneficial?  This article explores this seemingly impossible task.